Swiss program version

The Swiss program version is automatically applied by the country selection in the master information. For extended security, the same fiscal security mechanisms as required in Germany are used (GoBD) and Fiscal law in Switzerlandsupported. The cash register system is therefore more secure than in Switzerland, at least as required and there is no reduction in security through country settings or other parameters, in order to be able to support our Swiss customers asfraud protection best as possible with regard to security in general.

If the country setting in the master information is Switzerland, then the centime rounding in the system is applied to POS, mPOS and the customer monitor as well as all subsequent evaluations, where appropriate. This also applies to the allocation of an invoice to several parties, to discounts and to the calculation of change. The set discount rounding is also used for the price calculation of weighing items.

The program supports the Swiss currency and also many special programs from Switzerland, such as the TWINT payment system and the E-Guma vouchers. Time recording supports many of the Swiss special regulations and automatically applies the public holidays of the canton you selected in the master information.

For Switzerland, we provide support and installations through our support centre and staff directly through the Swiss-based Hypersoft Schweiz GmbH.

Further documentation:

Wallet-Control in Switzerland


TWINT connection

SAGE CH connection

Swiss absences

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